On this page, you will discover some of the best Plantar fasciitis home remedies to relieve pain and inflammation, as well as learn the most common Plantar fasciitis symptoms and causes. If you are suffering from plantar fasciitis, then you should learn about the common home treatments that you can do on your own. Most importantly, you also need to know the possible symptoms that would confirm that you certainly have plantar fasciitis.
Having an illness in the foot could make you opt for a checkup session with an expert and even go for surgeries when recommended by the doctor. However, depending on your condition you do not have to always do this. For example, if you are having plantar fasciitis, you could try these effective home remedies to relieve your foot pain. Before we talk about plantar fasciitis home remedies, and how you can cure your pain, let’s see what is it!
Plantar Fasciitis Overview
What is plantar fasciitis?
Plantar fasciitis is an annoying pain in your heel or the bottom of your feet. The pain can limit your movement to the farthest extent. Yes, you can still move. However, it would be very difficult for you to do so. It would also make you have second thoughts about moving even a few inches. Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain that you may be suffering, it involves the inflammation of the ligament that is connecting your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia). If you strain your plantar fascia, it would tend to get weak, swollen, and inflamed which causes pain or discomfort at the bottom of your foot when you walk or stand. Plantar fasciitis is a common condition among people who are on their feet a lot like athletes or soldiers. As you move, the pain may decrease but it also may return, especially if you are standing for long periods of time.
Plantar fasciitis: Symptoms
If you do experience some kind of stabbing pain at the bottom of your foot just a few inches from your heel, then, your chances of having an illness are more inclined to plantar fasciitis than anything else. You will have to experience quite a painful stabbing when you walk first thing in the morning. Moreover, this can also be observed when you stand for too long after sitting for quite a time. Some people may describe this pain as dull, however, others do feel it as a sharp one. You may even feel a burning ache at the bottom of your boot that extends outward from your heels. You will have to treat this immediately because it may have started in just one foot but it does develop. Although its development of it is only gradual, there is still a chance that your other foot may get affected as well. And this happens especially when you ignore the pain and keep being busy doing other things than having it treated. Plantar fasciitis can happen in one foot or both feet.
Plantar fasciitis: Causes
The main cause of plantar fasciitis is the straining of your plantar fascia. The more the strain, the more it gets to have tears. Those tears are the reason why you can feel extreme pain whenever you get to use your foot.
What could be the situations wherein the straining of the plantar fascia may happen?
- It could happen when you get to roll your foot too much inward when you walk. You may not be aware of it in the previous times, but now that you do, you would have to be careful with the way you walk. Be careful not to have exaggerated movements that could lead to an injury.
- Plantar fasciitis could also occur when you have high foot arches or even flat feet. As implied above, your plantar fascia is the ligament that supports the foot arch. However, if it gets more than it can handle, then the ligament would be strained resulting in plantar fasciitis pain.
- Walking or standing, and even running for long durations may also cause plantar fasciitis. This happens especially if you do it on non-smooth surfaces. It would help if you always let your feet rest once in a while and not overstrain yourself because, in the end, it is you who gets to feel that pain.
- Wearing shoes that do not fit well can also cause this pain. it would be best if you give it up and purchase different shoes that are more appropriate to the size of your feet. Remember that comfort comes before fashion.
Now, let’s take a look at the different plantar fasciitis home remedies to help you relieve foot pain. Remember: if you are having extreme foot pain that doesn’t seem to go away even after trying these home remedies, then your condition may be severe and you should seek medical advice from your doctor.
Best Plantar fasciitis home remedies
Here are some of the cost-effective plantar fasciitis home remedies that you should consider:
 1) Supportive Footwear

Plantar fasciitis pain relief starts within yourself. You will have to quit on the things that put too much strain on your feet. Try to limit the use of high-heels and don’t use footwear that does not fit you well. You will need to change your fashion statement if it comes down to it. You should buy shoes that provide support for your foot arch. Some of these shoes may look funny or weird but they will make a difference in the way you feel, most of them will have built-in support for your heel and may also include a strap in the back to help keep the shoes on when you are walking or running.
2) Foot Arch band Supports

If you don’t like plantar fasciitis shoes, then using arch band supports is your best option not to mention that they are cheap as well. These pads can fit inside your shoes meaning that you can wear your favorite shoes while having good arch support. This is one of the best strategies for plantar fasciitis pain relief. You will need to use foot arch band supports that are small and lightweight to assist you in walking or standing. These pads have a band that wraps your foot. It keeps your foot held in one place. They feel so comfortable and can fit any foot size.
Here are some of the best foot arch supports for plantar fasciitis:
3) Stretching Exercises
The tightness of your Achilles tendons (the band of tissue that connects calf muscles to your heel bone) can also be a factor in having plantar fasciitis. Therefore, for plantar fasciitis pain relief, you should have regular foot stretching so that everything on the insides of your injured foot may loosen up. However, you have to be careful when you do this because aside from the fact that it truly hurts, it can also worsen your condition. Overstraining your ligament while doing this could lead to a more serious injury. Here are some Plantar fasciitis stretches you can do at home to relieve the pain.
4) Have a gentle massage

It is also essential for your plantar fasciitis pain relief to have a gentle foot massage. This could help your ligament and joints to somehow be relieved of the tension that may be happening among them. You have the choice of having a manual massage or an electrical one. Rest assured, this can help you to ease the tension in your plantar fascia. One of the easiest and most effective foot massagers is the Dr. Archy Foot Roller Massager, it promotes blood circulation, eliminates foot tickles, and relieves foot pain.
Here are two easy and effective foot massagers for plantar fasciitis pain relief:
- The Dr. Archy Foot Roller Massager offers a gentle yet robust massage and addresses symptoms related to sore and tired feet, plantar fasciitis, and other foot conditions. This high-quality foot massager targets the foot and lower leg muscle structure to provide a thorough massage and relaxation.
- The CONAIR Foot Spa with Massaging Bubbles is a great way to relax and rejuvenate your foot after a long tiring day. It features 3 interchangeable massage attachments: the pinpoint node, a single large node, and a double large node that can be set according to your preference. It also features 2 bubble strips that create aerated bubbles for optimal relaxation of sore feet and relief of plantar fasciitis pain.
5) Stretch and Roll a frozen water bottle under the arch of the foot:
Start by stretching your toes up against a wall, keeping your arch and heel flat so the toes stretch. Hold for a count of 10 and repeat 3 or 4 times per day. This will stretch your plantar fascia. After doing that, roll a frozen water bottle under your foot arch for 10 minutes, that should relieve your plantar fasciitis pain.
6) Rest your feet
It is also important for you to give your feet a break, not in a literal way, but more in a metaphorical one. You should have a break when your feet feel too strained after walking for long hours or quite long distances. You should think of your feet more often because they carry your body weight, and shouldn’t be abused.
7) Use ice on your heel
It is also an effective plantar fasciitis pain relief if you place ice on your heel. This is capable of reducing the inflammation that your heel area may have due to plantar fasciitis. Alternating baths using hot and cold water can help too. You have to know that heat can make the evident symptoms worse than they are. So you have to contrast this with cold water at the end of your every bathing session. However, if you do not think that ice can help in relieving your plantar fasciitis pain, then you should try using heat as a remedy. An example of this is by heating a pad that has been set on low.
8) Wear night splints
You can also try wearing night splints to relieve your plantar fasciitis pain. The night splint holds the foot with the toes pointed up, which applies a gentle stretch to the plantar fascia. It also helps in stretching the Achilles tendon at the back of the heel. Wearing night splints for several months can gradually reduce plantar fasciitis symptoms. Regarding this matter, the Foot Drop Orthosis Brace by BlueJay is great for relieving pain due to Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendinitis while sleeping.
PediFix FasciaFix Plantar Fasciitis Relief Sleeve – Relieves Pain and Swelling Caused by Plantar Fasciitis
Thermoskin Thermal Plantar FXT Night Support – Supports Plantar Fasciitis Recovery While Sleeping
PediFix Plantar Fasciitis Relief Strips – Provides Fast and Lasting Relief to Heel Pains
BLUE JAY Semi-Solid Ankle Orthosis Drop Foot Brace – Provides Comfortable Walking Solution to Injured and Post-Operative Patients
9) Ginger

Yes, what you thought of just like a kitchen thing and a taste enhancer can help you. This is considered to be one of the most effective plantar fasciitis home remedies. Plantar fasciitis is known to be caused by an inflammation of your plantar fascia due to overstrain and other factors. Ginger is such an amazingly powerful anti-inflammatory special agent. Thus, you can make use of ginger in your kitchen to cure plantar fasciitis. Ginger has a lot of properties in itself that allow you to relieve the pain in your heel and help you reduce inflammation.
Here’s how to get the benefits out of ginger:
- First, you have to wash your ginger and have it grated.
- Second, you have to prepare a cup and fill it with water. Afterward, you can just add a tablespoon of grated ginger to it.
- Third, heat it and make it come to a definite boil. When it is boiled already, just leave it on there for quite a few minutes. This would cause the ginger to extract its natural properties that can be one of your plantar fasciitis home remedies.
- Fourth, you can then remove it from the stove and wait for approximately 10 minutes for it to steep for a while. Then you can drink it while it is still warm.
You can do this at least twice a day if you want to have immediate results.
10) Turmeric

Turmeric is also a good plantar fasciitis home remedy. It has a property that is believed to be able to counter the inflammation that causes plantar fasciitis. Turmeric can help you curb the pain a bit to a degree less painful.
Here’s how to get the benefits out of Turmeric:
- First, prepare a glass of milk and heat it in your microwave. If you do not have a microwave, then you can heat it on your stove.
- Second, add a teaspoon of turmeric to the warm milk, then mix them well and drink it up. You can also add a teaspoon of honey if you want to make it taste better.
The most beneficial time for you to drink this turmeric milk mix is when you are about to sleep. You have to make a routine out of this. Prepare your milk with turmeric and possibly a drop of honey in it and drink it before you go to bed for the night.
11) Epsom salt

Epsom salt is also one of the best plantar fasciitis home remedies. It is widely used for treating muscle pain. People who suffer from muscle strain often use Epsom salt to relieve their pain. You can mix it with water and use it for your bath. Epsom salt can help you relieve plantar fasciitis pain and reduce the inflammation that may have developed in your foot. Also, It can heal the strain in your plantar fascia.
How to use Epsom salt as a plantar fasciitis home remedy:
- First, you have to prepare a small tub in which you are going to store the water.
- Second, fill that tub with warm water. You have to make sure that the water is not too warm because it may scald your feet.
- Third, add three full tablespoons of Epsom salt into your warm water. Then mix it with water using your hand. To make sure that the salt has been mixed with the water well enough, you can soak your foot in it. You will need to keep your foot in the water for at least 15 minutes so that it would have enough time to absorb the healing powers of the Epsom salt solution.
Repeat this process daily until such time when plantar fasciitis pain and foot inflammation start to disappear.
12) Fish oil

Fish oil is rich in Omega-3 as well as eicosapentaenoic acid which is vital for you to eliminate pain and inflammation, that’s why fish oil is an effective way to relieve plantar fasciitis pain. It can help you reduce the inflammation in your foot and decrease the stiffness of your muscles. Fish oil is considered a great natural pain reliever.
How to use Fish oil minerals as a plantar fasciitis home remedy:
- First of all, you need to make sure that you have a balanced diet, and that you have no problems having fish oil for a few days.
- Second, you should include any kind of fish that is classified as “cold-water” one as tuna and salmon. Then you can cook it in any way you like but make sure that you do not use too much oil because your goal here is to extract the fish oil thus, you do not need to consume much of another kind of oil.
- Try to take 2-8 grams of fish oil daily, this natural pain reliever can take the place of ibuprofen to relieve plantar fasciitis pain and reduce inflammation.
13) Cayenne pepper

This kind of pepper is also beneficial such that it is among the best plantar fasciitis home remedies. It has capsaicin which is a component that can relieve pain. It can help you heal your heel pain and treat plantar fasciitis symptoms such as inflammation and muscle stiffness in a short time.
How to use cayenne pepper to relieve plantar fasciitis pain:
- First, you need to fill a bucket with hot water.
- Second, you need to add only one teaspoon of cayenne pepper into the water. Keep away from it while it is hot, just wait a few minutes for it to cool down a little bit since. Do not submerge your foot in it if it is burning hot as you may scald your foot or cause irritation.
- Third, after the water has cooled down, you can soak your feet in it for 10 to 15 minutes. Then you can wash your feet with warm water to finish.
You will need to repeat the same process a few times per week until you feel that the plantar fasciitis pain and inflammation start to disappear. Please note that: You can not use cayenne pepper if your foot has an open cut or if you have sensitive skin as this could irritate your skin. If you happen to realize that at a later time and have soaked your foot in the warm water then you should try to wash it with clean and cold water. These are the plantar fasciitis home remedies that you should consider.
As you can see these are very simple, effective, and less expensive ways that you can try at home to heal yourself without having to visit a clinic or spend a lot of money on medications.
If you liked this information, please share and leave a comment to let us know what you think! Also, let us know which method has worked best for your plantar fasciitis condition.